3 New Must-Have Traits for Today’s PR Professional

dandelion-445228_1280The world of PR is constantly shifting. Its role within companies is expanding, now encompassing social media sentiment, omni-channel feedback and brand protection. They are also the glue that keeps internal communications smooth and informative, while liaising with investors.

However, PR professionals need to evolve to take on this expanded responsibility. Just focusing on media relationships and churning out press releases are no longer enough. They need to be at the center of all marketing strategies and tactics.

Below are three traits that we think the modern PR pro needs to have to succeed:

  1. Company Growth Hacker

In the old days, PR professionals were seen as communications experts. Today, they are asked to drive company growth and brand awareness. This means that PR professionals need to be keen networkers. Not just staying in touch, but actually influencing conversations and being seen as thought leaders in the field. Their influence and salesmanship can help drive business growth, which is what any business wants these days.

  1. Ferocious Learner

PR’s role in social media and online marketing is constantly evolving. Keeping up with the vast amount of changes and innovations can be a tall task for any business leader. So it is natural for them to turn to their PR professional for advice. They are no longer just custodians of corporate image and messaging; they need to be experts in everything that is marketing and communications, including the technology that is behind it. This requires PR professionals to be fast learners. So if your CEO asks you about virtual reality PR, you need to offer a well-thought answer. [bctt tweet=”PR’s role in #socialmedia and online #marketing is constantly evolving. RT if you agree”]

  1. Fierce Negotiator

PR professionals are now working with a plethora of new service providers, from social media agencies, influencers and even social media listeners. The list is growing longer as new platforms and technologies enter the fray. To be effective, they need to wear their procurement hats and become good negotiators. How you are able to influence agreements and even rectify those that failed to meet targets can determine your eventual success. One who can negotiate well can help companies to explore messaging opportunities and balance the risks better.

As the fast changing world of PR constantly evolves, it is imperative that today’s PR professionals allow themselves to change (and grow) right along with it. Failure to shift with the landscape will only result in missed opportunities and unmet expectations.

“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new” – Brian Tracy
